Bio-Based Itaconate Rubber (Bio-IBR)
Bio-Based Itaconate Rubber

Bio-based itaconic ester rubber is a new type of rubber material obtained from the copolymerization of itaconic ester and butadiene. Sourced from renewable bio-based materials, compared with traditional petroleum-based synthetic rubber, the production of 1 ton of bio-based itaconic ester rubber can reduce CO2 emissions by about 1.4 tons.


    1. Bio-based component content of 20%-80%.

    2. The product structure and performance can be flexibly adjusted to meet the use requirements of different application scenarios.


    Automotive: Tires, seals, interiors, shock absorption, hoses, etc.

    Consumer products: Shoe materials, medical gloves, etc.

TrademarkBio-IBR 6401Bio-IBR 6600Bio-IBR 6610Bio-IBR 7410
Itaconic acid ester content,%60606070
Biobased carbon content,%23245060
Ash, %≤1.0≤1.0≤1.0≤1.0
Volatile matter, %≤1.0≤1.0≤1.0≤1.0
glass-transition temperature, ℃-51-53-31-28
PositioningHigh-performance tiresDrive belt, shock absorber, tiresShoe materials

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