Waste Gas Treatment in Wastewater Treatment Plant

Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) Project:

This project mainly deals with petrochemical wastewater pre-treatment plant air flotation tanks, oil separation tanks, hydrolysis acidification tanks, anaerobic tanks, dirty oil tanks, homogenization tanks, buffer tanks, and other facilities wastewater treatment process of the waste gas. The exhaust gas is collected by the pipeline and then heated to close to the thermal oxidation temperature through the heat accumulator and then into the combustion chamber for thermal oxidation. The temperature of the combustion chamber is maintained at 760 ℃ or more. The oxidized organic matter is basically converted into carbon dioxide and water.

Unorganized Exhaust Gas Treatment Project:

It mainly treats petrochemical wastewater treatment devices, aeration tanks, agrochemical wastewater treatment devices, and sludge drying field exhaust gas collection. The collected exhaust gas then enters the pre-wash, bio-drip filtration, and bio-filtration sections of the bio-odor removal device. The exhaust passes through the biological packing layer in the odor removal bed, and the pollutants are transferred to the surface of the biological packing layer from the gas phase. They are degraded by the special microorganisms in the biological packing layer so that the target pollutants are effectively decomposed and removed to achieve the treatment purpose. Then, the purified gas enters the subsequent O3 adsorption catalytic oxidizing tower and is directly discharged to the atmosphere after being treated by the O3 adsorption catalytic oxidizing tower.


    Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) Project

    The purified waste gas meets the standards in the Organic Chemical Enterprise Wastewater Treatment Plant (Station) Volatile Organic Compounds and Odorous Pollutants Emission Standards (DB37/3161-2018).

    Unorganized Exhaust Gas Treatment Project

    The treated waste gas shall meet the Emission Standards for Odor Pollutants (GB14554-93), and the Organic Chemical Enterprise Wastewater Treatment Plant (Station) Volatile Organic Compounds and Odorous Pollutants Emission Standards (DB37/3161-2018).
